
A Very Special Situation

We are in a very special situation, extremely special, without precedent. We are now witnessing the birth of a new world; it is very young, very weak – not in its essence but in its outer manifestation – not yet recognised, not even felt, denied by the majority. But it is here. It is here, making an effort to grow, absolutely sure of the result. But the road to it is a completely new road which has never before been traced out – nobody has gone there, nobody has done that! It is a beginning, a universal beginning. So it is an absolutely unexpected and unpredictable adventure. There are people who love adventure. It is these I call, and I tell them this: “I invite you to the great adventure.” It is not a question of repeating spiritually what others have done before us, for our adventure begins beyond that. It is a question of a new creation, entirely new, with all the unforeseen events, the risks, the hazards it entails – a real adventure , whose goal is certain victory, but the road to which is unknown and must be traced out step by step in the unexplored. Something that has never been in this present universe and that will never be again in the same way. If that interests you… well, let us embark. What will happen to you tomorrow – I have no idea. One must put aside all that has been foreseen, all that has been devised, all that has been constructed, and then.. set off walking into the unknown. And – come what may! There.

The Mother

Mother Sees All

Always behave as if the Mother was looking at you: because she is, indeed, always present.

Sri Aurobindo

This is not a mere phrase, not simply words; it is a fact. I am with you in a very concrete manner, and they who have a subtle vision can see me.

The Mother

Offer Your Food to the Divine

As long as our body is compelled to take in foreign matter in order to subsist, it will absorb at the same time a considerable amount of inert and unconscious forces or those having a rather undesirable consciousness, and this alchemy must take place inside the body. We were speaking of the kinds of consciousness absorbed with food, but there is also the inconscience that’s absorbed with food – quite a deal of it. And that is why in many yogas there was the advice to offer to the Divine what one was going to eat before eating it (Mother makes a gesture of offering, hands joined, palms open). It consists in calling the Divine down into the food before eating it.  One offers it to Hi – that is, one puts it in contact with the Divine, so that it may be under the divine influence when one eats it. It is very useful, it is very good. If one knows how to do it, it is very useful, it considerably reduces the work of inner transformation which has to be done.

The Mother

The Rungs of Love

At first one loves only when one is loved.
Next, one loves spontaneously, but one wants to be loved in return.
Further on, one loves even if one is not loved, but one still wants one’s love to be accepted.
And finally, one loves purely and simply without any other need or joy than that of loving.

The Mother – Bulletin, April 1966